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This survey is part of a statewide study that is required by federal laws, specifically 674(a) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and 115.77(4)(j)9 of the Utah Statutes.

There is a law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that protects the privacy of school records. This law generally prevents schools from giving out information about students without their permission, except for certain reasons. (For supporting documentation, see the letter from the State Director of Special Education.) This study is one of those reasons. Because this study is required by law, former schools can use information from student's school records without their permission or their parent's permission if the student is younger than 18. All answers and documents are to be kept private!

Please read and agree or disagree with the following Statement of Confidentiality.

I agree that individual responses/documents will be kept confidential and secure, and that I will not share survey results with anyone not associated with this survey. AGREE

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